Monday, September 20, 2010

My Guitars BAAAACK!! (and the evil, secret life of the ukelele) this might not excite any1 else but it sure as hell excites me!! My guitar has been 'sick' for past couple of months n ive had to resort to playing a ukelele (yes) due to the guitar withdrawal i experienced so im ecstatic that I can play again now that its fixed!! (altho after a couple months Im finding ive halfway 4gotten how to play lol..gotta brush up on some of my songs/memory) sooo hopefully Ill FINALLY get around to recording n posting some of my stuff eventually..(i know, I know i keep sayin that but all my excuses r valid!!..I SWEAR!!) I hope u guys like my stuff once u hear it..altho its kinda scary to post..but this whole bloggin thing is kinda scary so..pfffft I'll get over it case u wanna know how bad my guitar withdrawal got??..It got sooo bad I started playin this lil toy ukelele i randomly got at some fair JUST TO FEEL THE METAL STRINGS ON MY FINGERS..unfortunetly..the ukelele had vinyl strings n 1 snapped n quite almost poked out my eyeball...even now im cursing the ukelele (and covering the huge red welt with makeup so no1 thinks im being bashed etc)...but is ok once realising u cant ACTUALL...Y 'rock out' with a hot pink  hibiscus covered ukelele on any level..just another1 of my 'DUH!' moments. but man...who woulda thought that a hot pink ukelele with yellow handpainted hibiscus flowers could turn out to be such a dangerous weapon..I should hang on to it in case of intruders..theyll never know wat hit em...KAPOW!!! ill just aim a random ukelele string at their unsuspecting eye...anywayz..woah I tend to ramble off subject a lot huh? such a scatterbrain..oh well..So ill be headin off to watch me a movie...hope u all had an awesome day filled with much awesomeness...heres a pic of my guitar..its an epi les paul Zakk Wylde (no I cant afford a gibson...YET) and yes it sounds AWESOME (when its not broken :/) tell me if u had any moments of evil attacking musical instruments..itd be nice to know Im not the only one...LOL so..yeh..Peace out y'all..till the next time!!! :)

Thursday, September 16, 2010


I kinda 4got to add a pic with that post..which is lucky 4 u I guess hahahah but anywayz..this is me the Aussie/Italian guitar playin weirdo!! :) hope u all have a great day whereva u are!! :D

New Blog...The randomness that is me.. r u all doin'? Im kinda new to the whole blogging experience but everyone keeps tellin me to try it so here goes I guess...So a lotta people have some sorta theme/agenda with their blogs i notice...weeeelll.. i don't, I'm way too erratic for that so you're all just gonna have to keep checkin in to see what new and fantastical craziness im up to each day...A little about myself..other than the general lunacy/craziness I'm sorta/kinda just a weird artist/hippie/metalhead weirdo who plays guitar, dances around a lot and generally listens to a lotta what is normally termed 'bad' music..Im an avid collecter of all things weird i.e I have  crazy animal slippers and carebears collections...ahem, yes...sad but true and have an insatiable thirst for shoes...(hmm i should post some pics of em..) I studied makeup artistry and hairdressing (altho found i liked using my skills on my friends and myself rather than models/mean girls etc) and am practising my guitar skills 4 wannabe world domination someday..jokes...altho maybe someday I can play somewheres cool :) Mostly I just wanna spread a lil positivity to an otherwise negative world and hope if u are feelin down u can read one of my posts n it'll at least make u smile..I'm a total klutz, I'll warn u about that now altho I'm sure at some point it'll become blatantly obvious...for example..I was makin a cup of coffee earlier and , of course, doin what I term the 'Lionel Richie strut' when I slipped, turned my ankle, somehow spun sideways (kinda like a Michael Jackson spin or at least my semi conscious take on it) slammed full force into my living room door and fell awkwardly onto my spine thus spilling coffee all down the front of my shirt and into my hair...(funny never happened to any of said musicians) I would LOVE to say this rarely happens but no, get used to it..hahah so after CAREFULLY making another cup all whilst making sure I didnt get into the '80's dance spirit' again i hobbled back into the living room, sat down and realised it was the SECOND time I had poured coffee down my shirt this week due to 'bad' dancing, altho at least it only got into my hair this once..So maybe i should quit dancing? but that would be no its hard 2 embarrass ur friends/who ever u r with if u don't have mad dancin skills like mine (think Steve Urkel dance crossed with random flailing arms n leg motions narrowly in the off beat to strange/bizarre 1 hit wonder songs no ones ever heard of..) *heavy sigh* maybe i should get lessons but im pretty sure its more fun this way....LMAO..weeelll ok well ive pretty much shamed myself out enough lol...I promise it'll get way more interesting than this but literally I had no idea WHAT to post 4 my first bloggy thing, plus I'm kinda just experimenting with fonts/etc plus its not like any1 is actually reading this yet HAHAHA soooo Ima head off to finish 1 of my paintings..n maybe i'll post a pic of that 4 u the meantime, stay cool and (my motto in life) be the best u that u can be, a true induvidual not bound by others misconceptions of u...originality is key!! :)..well..peace out!! ps: let me know if u have any strange/bizarre toy/whateva collections...