Dreamscapes, arts n crafts and the mess on my living room floor...
Good morning, good morning and here we face another fine Sunday morning..(ok its afternoon now..WHATever!!) I'm in the midst of trying 2 change my life...(yet again) and thought I'd make myself a dreamscape..something I havent done since my primary school days and who knows? maybe this 1 wont end up scrunched up n thrown in the bin by my well meaning yet un sympathetic mother. (all paper is mess...therefore all dreamscapes are 'in the bin,' so you can't find it when you come back from school 1 day LOL) Anyway I'm not sure if you are all as messy as me when undertaking art projects but my living room floor literally looks like a giant has upchucked paper, pencils, glue and pencil sharpenings all over my (ahem) lovely? floral carpet. So I thought I'd better finish what Im doing as I have 2 work later tonight...and I dont have a proper day off for a fair while to clean it. Whilst we're on the subject.has anyone else ever leant on said artwork creation whilst glueing another piece down and somehow glued their ELBOW to the piece??I achieved that last night..I'm not sure exactly how..but yup! I did. (I'm not very proud of myself there haha) Anywayz..a dreamscape is kinda..just something you make that is full of all your thoughts, inspirations, goals and things that make u happy when you look at them. I guess mine is kinda an assortment of different images of places I want to visit (or return to), people who inspire me, goals I have and just random things that represent things that are personal to me that put a happy smile on my face..even though someone else might be confused when they look at it..basically anything that motivates me to live my life the way I WANT TO cuz as everyone knows its all too easy to just 'coast along' in life and not accomplish anything. Anywayz..thats it from me 4 now..(more babbling I guess haha) who knows? ..maybe you can make your own dreamscape/collage and send me pix..that would be awesome!! remember to make it yours and yours alone that way you'll be personally inspired to make the best life of your short time here on this earth every day!! Have an awesome day...happy creating!!
ps: some eggos n bacon 4 your sunday morn/noon brunch!! (and yes it IS supposed to look kinda like a deranged muppet..ALWAYZ play with your food!! xoxox
Take note my dreamscape is still a pile of sticky notes ;) Oh and some of us Qualified Artists don't make a mess or glue body parts into the piece lol unless we are doing a body sculpture :)))
ReplyDeletehaha making a mess whilst in midst of 'creating chaos' is part of my 'process' haha diff artists work in diff wayz..and I (as u r well aware) am so very different and unique...LOL