How u all doin??? well..i've been kinda/sorta busy.Had a lame ass attempt at posting my first you tube video..its really dodgy but im just figuring out how 2 work everything...and apparently...(or so my computer tells me...) Im kinda bad/impatient at waiting 4 things to load and or editing etc so im kinda gonna have to work on that haha...Let me tell ya, my butt hurts from sittin so long I have no idea how ppl who work in an office can sit all day long..i really honest to gosh have no idea...bizarre, i work in retail/stand all day and let me tell u all..i prefer standing!! (Much respect to those who r forced to sit all day..I salute u!!) other than that I started a twitter account altho its kinda a babbler by nature and only 140 characters?? hmmmm well i guess I can spew the rest of my random word vomit here so can't be that bad...i guess LOL...SORRY!! ( a pre-emptive apology cuz 4 real..i truly can talk the ears off of a donkey...) I also wanted to show u all somethin I bought today that i totally LOOOOOOVE...See, I'm ADDICTED to lava lamps..have alwayz had at least 1 if not way more than that in my house SOMEwheres (and have also retained the carcasses of many a random lava lamp gone by) and today a little sparkly pink glittery thing caught my eye (and those who know me best know I can't resist sparkles/glitter and or leapord print) and at 10 bux (and me being so broke) I just KNEW it had to be mine (oh WOULD be mine..)and so I snuck it into my weekly budget of ohhhh..i dunno, food/bills/toilet paper..u know the deal..and so here it first cute lil sparkly pink/purply glittery lamp...sooooo thats all there is to report for now..ill be posting soon (hopefully haha) my next vid of my finished paintings and have sorta been workin on some of my guitar stuff...altho thats sorta hard at the moment cuz i somehow cracked the neck of my guitar *heavy sigh* and i have 2 be even more creative when composing as I have to avoid certain frets etc..but I guess that just makes it even more creative/fun than normal right?? (so cant wait to be able to get a new 1 but have 2 save a bit longer..and Im soooo sad to lose this guitar as its awesome..or at least was..)so anyhoo..thats it 4 now..enjoy the pix of Sparkles my new lamp ( a namer of random and inanimate objects...sorry!!) and have an awesome day wherever u r..I leave u all with a great quote thats also somewhat disturbing....

Friendship is like peeing on yourself: everyone can see it, but only you get the warm feeling that it brings. ... so good morn/noon/nite whereva u r in this great planet of ours n remember..only u can make your dreams come life by living your dreams every second u get!! xoxoxo
Ps: I LOOOOVE that BIG is playin on my tv in this pic HAHAHA 4got about that!! who doesnt love Tom Hanks in BIG???
Very Nice :) Sparkly, Glittery things Rule of course!!!